Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Character Development _ Head Construction

I started head construction some days ago, and I continue it now through Preston Blair book.
- Circle for head and tilt (guide lines) easier to draw if first draw cross in the circle(head) and then draw another circle (tilt) around it and inside the head... Tilt circles will not look like perfect circles though and more like thin ovals, because of the perspective.
- Flexible features are: mouth and cheeck, eyebrows, ears - little flexible and base of the ears, base of the nose - not flexible.
- Head can be different rounded shapes, it depends on the character.
- Tilt always changes! It depends on the expressions, speech, angle of the head, where is your character looking.
- Tilt will help to see where bases of the nose, mouth, eyes, ears (if any) should be.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Character Development _ Body Skeleton

The hardest part for me in the skeleton foundation is to figure out length and arrangement of the body parts. Like, for example, on the second picture where the cat is throwing the ball. The leg is up in the air and hand should be behind it, but on the skeleton structure it's not clear (same where he is crossing his hands). When drawing the structure I should always keep in mind WHAT I want to draw, the finished pose, and trying to produce it on a paper with simple lines. It's like ripping it appart and leaving only base lines, the skeleton. Also, the head always looks wrong. Probably because head already have some shape to it... It is hard to connect shape and lines together.
I found that I don't like the skeleton foundation much, thought it is helpful to know it, and probably in some situations it will help me to keep proportions correctly.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Character Development _ Body built from circular and rounded forms

I got animation book by mail yesterday. I mean I got it today, because lazy post office worker couldn't bring his ass upstairs. Instead I got message in the mail that he/she missed me (I WAS HOME!) and I needed to drive to post office to take this package. My husband's package came in a same day, but it was smaller and it fit into the mail box :) Well, I get angry and upset easily, but can't really do any harm to people, so I cooled down in a couple of hours and brought myself to the post office today morning.
Here are my new pictures and notes. I started from the begining of the book and really like it so far! Also, as ususal, I added one picture of my own, trying to draw it with new concepts that I've learned.
Character development:
- think what type (ex. goofy, cute, screwball) you want to draw
- rough sketches (idea)
- add features and details
1. Cartoon construction:
- proportion is important! (use head measurement o.o)
- keep reference drawing of the character when animating
2. Body built from circular and rounded forms:
- circular, rounded form - general parts of the body, rest is around this parts.
- better on screen, easier to animate

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lesson #3 Body

This is the third lesson by Preston Blair's book. WEll, really it's number four, because I skiped one where I needed to redraw and correct the first one.... I hate to perfect my work doing it over and over again. It's so boring! Except, of course, if it's not my job when people pay me for pictures (I wish I have this kind of job though!). I really think that perfection comes with practice, and practice should be different and interesting every day. I draw couple body examples from the book today, and after that I draw my own character. That way I'm not just copying Preston's great pictures but trying to understand concepts on my own experience.

How to embed swf files into your blog

First what you need to do is upload your swf file to the internet. I used free hosting like . Then after upload, you will see the html link to your file It will look like:
Second, use this code in your post:
<object height="340" width="150"><param name="movie" value="your file's name.swf"><embed width="150" heigh="340" src="paste your link here"></embed></object>
Example you can see in my previous post.

Friday, August 7, 2009